The Stages of a Book Hangover

For book lovers everywhere, it’s inevitable. You get attached to the characters, the stories, the world. And then — the series ends. Just like that. And that’s when the book hangover begins.

Stage One: Denial

Alas, it begins. But you can’t quite accept it. You’re still mulling over the idea that you’ll never have another book with these characters again. No. You won’t accept it. You can’t. 

Stage Two: Shock

Holy Crap. It’s over. It’s done. Holy Crap.

Stage Three: Grief



We all know the feeling. Lying in bed surrounded by dozens of tissues. You’ll never be able to frolic with these characters in a brand new book ever again!

In fact, you’re so messed up you even just said frolic.  

Stage Four: Reading Slump



The very worst part. The reading slump. No book satisfies or holds your attention, no book is good enough. So you cast aside book after book, unable to read.

Stage Five: Netflix

Oh, the classic frenemy. 

Just one more episode of Gilmore girls…

Stage Six: Recovery

And just like that, after hours of Netflix, you pick up that one book, devour it, and you move on to the next one. You read book after book until the cycle starts again. 

37 thoughts on “The Stages of a Book Hangover

  1. I swear you’re reading my mind! That post was scarily accurate! πŸ™‚

  2. Oh, yay! I’m so glad!
    Well, actually I’m not glad it’s your life, because I know from personal experience it’s not fun…πŸ˜–πŸ˜‚
    And Gilmore girls did take a while, 7 seasons and all. But it was worth it!
    Thanks so much for commenting!

  3. This post = My life. Can’t tell you how many times I thought I would never find a book I would love after reading something. (Also Gilmore Girls kind of ruined my reading life for awhile lol)

  4. Oh my goodness no. I’m still convinced there will be one.

    There HAS to be one.

    There’s gonna be one, right?

    Oh my goodness what if there’s not????

  5. Five months after Blood of Olympus and I’m still in denial haha! Is it wrong that I’m still hoping for another series with Percy? I mean, we got Heroes of Olympus after the original series…

  6. Haha love this post! And ah Netflix, I actually turn to Youtubers instead, I’m sort of still stuck in that stage *sobs*

  7. I have to agree to the idea of the Netflix πŸ™‚ I watch anything from vlog to movies to trailers to get me off the slump. πŸ™‚

  8. LOL. Perfect, especially Netflix. Netflix is that friend that tells you to keep eating one more piece of cake until you’ve eaten the whole thing.

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